Unlockable players
Championship Wrestlers
The following wrestlers are unlocked by playing through the Championship Mode:
Vince McMahon
Shane McMahon
Linda McMahon
Earl Hebner
Shawn Michaels
Cactus Jack
Mick Foley
Andre the Giant
Smackdown! Mall Wrestlers
The following characters can be purchased from the Smackdown! Mall:
Cactus Jack
Earl Hebner
Ken Shamrock
Shawn Michaels
Survival Mode Wrestlers
The following wrestlers can be unlocked by playing through the Survival Mode. According to THQ, they are unlocked at random -- so good luck.
Jerry Lawler
Shane McMahon
Mae Young
Cactus Jack
Ken Shamrock
Mick Foley
Vince McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Andre the Giant
Hidden Wrestlers
Highlight the Wrestlers listed below then press either C-LEFT or C-RIGHT to access the hidden character.
Mae Young
Fabulous Moolah
Taka Michinoku
Pat Patterson
Gerald Brisco
The Goodfather
The King
Unlock or buy Earl Hebner.
Howard Finkel - (C-RIGHT)
Paul Bearer - (C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT)
Michael Cole - (C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT, C-RIGHT)

WWF No Mercy Codes
Play dead: Hold Analog stick left after getting knocked down. You will remain in that position until you release or your opponent picks you up.
Auto-play: Press Z + C-Up to have the CPU take control of your wrestler. Press it again to take control back.
Celebration: After some wrestlers win, press A during the first replay. They will celebrate. Too Cool dances, Stone Cold does the 4 corners taunt, The Rock does the People's Eyebrow, and Kane does his fireworks. If you find any more people that do something, please E-mail me at TheDeS@IGNMail.com