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A little bit about WWF No Mercy, including codes.
This page is about WWF No Mercy for Nintendo 64. It gives tips and generally tells about the game.
Over 65 WWF Superstars
Choose from pretty current WWF rosters. You can also unlock characters during one-player modes. If the wrestlers on the game have changed stables or their name, you can also change their appearance, music, and name in the Edit-a-Wrestler mode. |
Great create-a-player mode
Create your own superstar, or create a new superstar, like Haku or William Regal. With money you earn in one-player mode, you can buy new costumes, moves, weapons, hidden players, and new arenas (Armageddon and Backlash).
New ladder match
In the all-new ladder match mode, you can do moves off the ladder and hit your opponent with it. Then, set up the ladder under the prize, fight off your opponent, push C-Up to get on the ladder, climb the ladder by pushing up, push C-Down and Up when you are at the top, and tap A like crazy. You cannot go backstage in ladder matches. |
New backstage arenas
Throw your opponent out of the ring with grapple, then C-Up. Then, throw your opponent with grapple, direction + C-Down towards the ramp. Fight backstage on the entrance ramp, in the hallway, in the locker room, in the boiler room, in the parking lot, or in the bar. The normal venues are RAW, Smackdown, No Mercy, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, King of the Ring, and Summerslam.
3 tables to put your opponent through: the announcers' table, the pool table in the bar, and a table in the locker room. You must be on top of the table and do a move that slams them into the cold, hard wood. |
Guest Referee match
You make the rules, and you enforce them! Count as fast as you want on pins by pressing C-Left once. Then, the ref will go into a counting postion. Then press C-Left for every count after that. You can also fight with the wrestlers involved with the match, and they can fight you, too. As I say, whoever pisses me off the least usually wins. C-Left controls all of the ref's functions, including pins, TKOs, DQs, submissions, and ring out counts. C-Left also does a funny taunt when there is no danger of the match ending. Most wrestlers have a ref costume which can be accessed during the choose a wrestler screen by pushing C-Right or C-Left.
Double-team moves
Do all-new double team moves like the 3-D. To excute the Dudley Death Drop, throw your opponent into the ropes (grapple, C-Down + direction). Then, have both of the people you want to do 3-D with stand side by side in front of the person running, so if the person stopped running right when they got to you, he would be between you. Then, just hold down A. They will either do the Double Arm Drag or the 3D. The Dudleyz are really the only wrestlers that do it, except for create-a-wrestlers. |
Championship Mode
WWF No Mercy has a great championship mode in which the story changes if you win or lose. Sometimes, you have to win. When you win the belts, you are allowed to fight for them in the exhibtion mode. Sorry, no create-a-belts like in Wrestlemainia 2000. And no, you don't fight your way to No Mercy. Usually, you'll win the last match at RAW or Smackdown. And sometimes you'll win the belt in an early chapter and defend it until the end.

Survival mode
You can win easy money and unlock hidden characters in survival mode. To throw someone out the easy way, throw them into the ropes (Grapple, C-Down + direction). Then, right before they hit the ropes, run at them (C-down + direction), so you would meet them right after they hit the ropes. But, instead of meeting them, use your running attack (while running, B, B + any direction, or A + B). They should be knocked out onto the apron. When they get up, hold down B (stong attack) until you are done with the attack. You should knock them out of the ring and one should be added to your total. Be careful! You must be knocked out of the ring (no exiting the game) to get the hidden characters and the cash. More knocked out = more money. When a hidden character comes in, you must knock him out to unlock him. See the codes for when a secret charcter usually comes in. After Andre the Giant comes out, whoever gets knocked out can pull you out, since no one else comes in after Andre. See the next text box for an easy survival victory. |
Easy survival mode victory
Go into create-a-wrestler. Create a player whatever you would like him to be like. Then, in moves, make his strong attacks (B, B + direction, A + B) all "Spinning Leg Sweep." Then, go into survival mode and pause right when it starts. Either get a chair leg or something like that in your house to hold down B. Then, unpause the game and put the object on the B button. Leave the game on for a while and do something else for about 2 hours. Come back to check how he is doing. After he gets to about 60, you might want to take over to minimize mistakes. Warning-if your player is somehow knocked on the apron while you are not playing, he will probably be knocked out, because since B is held down, he will just keep kicking into the ring. This doesn't happen often, but it will happen sometimes.